Business Addresses Library is collection of contact addresses necessary for everyone starting a business, plan to develop the running business with wider network market and new opportunities, or simply begin new one beside the existing. Library contains addresses of companies with various offers for business opportunities good for trade agents and representative contracts worldwide, also work at home businesses offers and opportunities, and many more jobs offers and more. Prepared as one big library, will save you lot of time and money spended for all the necessary searching and releasing you to manage the contact with your business partners. It is a powerful handbook for everyone with business plans and serious attitude and business intent .
This e-book contains about 10.000 addresses and is prepared as user friendly stands alone e-book, with no other software necessary for starting it and very easy for using. Information can be found by content searching, by keywords searching all the library, or page search by keyword . Everyone, in any field of interests can find useful information in this e-book.
The price of Business Addresses Library is 20 US$ for downloadable software version. You will download the product in a 10 minutes after we receive your order, and you can start your contacts by tonight. You will benefit with saving a lot of time and money and it may be most valuable investment you made.
The order process is easy, fully automated, and absolutely secure protected service. Start your business in next 10 minutes, order your Business Addresses Library copy with our secure service.
Ordering process
We have a contract with to process your orders. Kagi utilizes Digital IDs for all secure transactions from established and respected certificate authorities as GeoTrust, Verisign, and Thawte. These certificate authorities ensure that when you order from our Online Order Page using SSL security, and your information is safe from interception and alteration. GeoTrust, Verisign and Thawte all offer state-of-the-art, completely dependable security infrastructure.When you place an order at Kagi, if you click on the GeoTrust logo on the left hand side of the order page, you can see a verification of our up-to-date certificate with GeoTrust. This service allows us to operate as a secure site and have the "https" at the beginning of any URL where you enter your personal details on our site. This security feature ensures that we are not allowing this information to go outside of Kagi. Additionally we ensure that you are protected by shielding the details of your payment from our suppliers and by blanking out all but the last four digits of your credit card number on our receipts. You can feel more secure ordering through Kagi than ordering almost anywhere else on the internet.
We accepts payments in US Dollars, Euro, Pound Sterlings, Japanese Yens, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars or Swiss Franks by Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, American Express, Diners Club), Bank/Wire Transfer, Check or Cash.
Use the recent low position of US Dollar on the money burse and you will have almost 40% discount.
When I'll receive my E-book?
Immediately after your purchase process is finished you'll receive your e-book. There is no username / password needed for using the e-book, so you can use the e-book after receiving.
I don't have a credit card. Is there any other way that I can pay ?
Yes, you can pay by e-gold or Money Bookers. For details contact me at:
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Soon you can subscribe with our affiliate program and become affiliate member. We are in preparing of affiliate program that will pay a 30% of the product price for every sell made by our affiliate members.
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